*contributed by rach!*HELLO ALL!
I was feeling a little bored so I decided to make some contributions to the class blog!:) These pictures are not in date order or in favouritism (CAUSE I'M NICE!) and I sincerely hope they bring a smile to all who view them:D Enjoy!

ROYALTY- GEOK our lil maths rep!- demostrating the prowess of MATH with her CROWN!

Now you know how people look at me- THOSE ELECTRIFYING EYES! (JIEYI is LOVING ME)

LIANTY snoozing during assembly((: CAUGHT!:D

THE PERVERTIC THINGS WE DO In 3J! (Involved parties: Cl& chickenbreast!)

POSERS- RAINE(outer) and CHICKENBREAST(inner) smiling for me during class!

Check out my makeover for Mr Happy before CHICKENBREASTS' redundant wreckage(:

You don't mess with the CHICKENBREAST. ((:

FengJX cher on her last day with 3J(:

Our glad-ed/touch-ed teacher(:

ISABEI looking at me with horny intentions on a train ride:)

MATHS神emoing :O

Shuhan chionging maths for the last time with ms lim:D (AS EXPECTED)

FINAL MEMORY OF MS LIM! (Usan you there? Don't hide in a corner weeping) (:

BRAVO!!- ChelSAI sleeping in class! (behind pencil box)

The TWO nerds(: My darlings forever((: (Lianty& CL)
DISCLAIMER: If anyone in the photos feel uncomfortable from the sudden fame, please seek ME immediately and I'll have the photos OFF. (: However, the photos here are chosen with care, ensuring that none looks too horrid for the fame (AND for my liking). So then again, if you're really paranoid and you totally disagree with my taste, please find a psychologist or find ME to RRrrrip those/that photo(s) off:D
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